Admission call for the Master’s Degree in Optometry and Vision Science

The ADMISSION CALL for the Master’s Degree in OPTOMETRY AND VISION SCIENCE has been published here under the section “Admission and Enrolment” –  “CALL FOR ADMISSION 2024/2025 A.Y”.

It is recommended to carefully read the call.

Further information on the Master’s Degree course are reported on the e-learning page


The VisionOttica Award 2024 awardees

Silvia Tavazzi declares the VisionOttica Award winners during the Uninary Congress "Vision&Digital"Two graduates from the University of Milan-Bicocca ranked first and third in the 11th edition of the VisionOttica Award by Vision Group in collaboration with ALOeO, Albo degli Ottici Optometristi (Federottica) and the Italian universities offering a degree course in Optics and Optometry. A special award was also given to the Degree Course at Milano-Bicocca for advancements in research and development in optics and optometry.


Elena Pagetti shows her award certificateFirst place was awarded to Dr. Elena Pagetti for her thesis titled: “Psychometric Evaluation of the Italian Version of the Symptoms Assessment iN Dry Eye – SANDE”.



Giulia Nero shows her award certificateThird place went to Dr. Giulia Nero for her thesis titled: “Evaluation of Ocular Aberrations in Patients Undergoing Cataract Surgery with EDOF IOL Implantation.”

Third General Meeting of MUSA

Logo of the MUSA projectOur researchers are proud to be part of the Third General Meeting of MUSA!

 Date: May 15, 2024
 Location: Aula Magna, Bocconi University, Milan.

 This annual meeting is a pivotal moment for our academic community, providing a crucial platform for presenting over 100 research projects and facilitating active dialogue among hub members. Don’t miss the chance to follow us and learn more about advancements in research and innovation.

Master’s degree in Optometry and Vision Science: the video presentation

The recorded video presentation of the master’s degree program in Optometry and Vision Science has been uploaded to the e-learning page. Now, you can access all the course details right from your home!
Additionally, we have compiled and answered the numerous questions we received during the Open Day on May 6th. You will find an updated FAQ section on the same e-learning page to help clear any doubts.
Visit the course page to explore the available resources and prepare yourself for your academic journey with us!

“Mass Spectrometry-based Tear Proteomics” is among the top 10 most-cited papers

Our research paper “Mass Spectrometry-based Tear Proteomics for Noninvasive Biomarker Discovery” published in Mass Spectrometry Reviews, has made it to the top 10 most-cited papers!
A heartfelt thank you to our research team and all the scientists who cited our work. Your support drives us to continue our exploration for noninvasive diagnostic solutions.
For anyone interested in how tear proteomics can revolutionize biomarker discovery, you can find our paper here.