110th National Congress of the Italian Physical Society – Optometry Symposium

Poster of the SIF congressThe COMiB group and its collaborators will participate in the Optometry Symposium of the 110th National Congress of the Italian Physical Society in Bologna (9-13 September) with the following oral communications:

“In-vitro dehydration kinetics coefficient of Kalifilcon A and other contact lens materials” is online

The paper “In-vitro dehydration kinetics coefficient of Kalifilcon A and other contact lens materials” published on Scientific Reports by  Erika Ponzini, Francesco Maspero,  Anna Galli and  Silvia Tavazzi is available online as open access article. 



Join us at MIDO 2024!

Poster describing the CSO event held on 4 February 2024 at MIDOThe advanced training course for professionals signed by CSO continues at the Milanese show MIDO 2024. A symposium will be held on the morning of Sunday 4 February in which we will talk about the important role of instruments in the evaluation of contact lens fitting.

The event takes place in the spaces of B2EyesTG, which offers talks, interviews, debates and previews of the sector, in Pavilion 1. After the success of the two previous appointments, which involved a large number of professionals from the supply chain, Fabrizio Zeri of the University of Milan-Bicocca will delve into the topic “How new instruments help in the application of multifocal contact lenses”. Finally, Mauro Frisani of the University of Turin will illustrate the “Use of Scheimpflug camera and ocular aberrometry in the selection and evaluation of contact lenses”. The event will also be broadcast live.

COMiB at AILAC 2023

Fabrizio Zeri and Giulia C. Rizzo participated in the AILAC 2023 conference held in Rome on November 19 and 20.

Zeri moderated the roundtable discussion titled “Nuove sfide nell’attività clinica e nella formazione in contattologia morbida” while Rizzo contributed with a presentation titled “L’utilizzo della topografia nell’applicazione di LaC morbide”.

Rizzo G discuss her research during the conference
Prof Zeri moderates the discussion during the round table

IACLE webinar – Join us on 13 December

On Wednesday 13 December at 12 noon UK, IACLE Director Dr Fabrizio Zeri and Giulia Carlotta Rizzo will give a webinar on ”Multifocal Contact Lenses: clinical perspectives and teaching challenges”.

IACLE members can watch live online via Zoom, and the event will be live streamed to our Facebook page for students and eye care practitioners to tune in to.

Join us!

IACLE EAMA national meeting chaired by regional director Fabrizio Zeri

Fabrizio Zeri chaired the IACLE EAMA meeting 2023 in BarcelonaOn June 27th, at Alcon Experience Academy in Barcelona, a one-hour IACLE EAMA national meeting was arranged for Italian contact lens practitioners and educators in conjunction with a 2-day educational event arranged by Alcon. The IACLE meeting, titled “New challenges in CL teaching: round table”, was chaired by EAME regional director Dr. Fabrizio Zeri.

The panel comprised Prof Josè Manuel Gonzales-Meijome from University of Minho, Prof David Pinero from the University of Alicante, and Dr. Alberto Recchioni from the Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, University of Birmingham. Participants discussed how CL teaching can be changed by the new challenges of artificial intelligence and, also the need to add new knowledge of modern instrumentations and CL materials to the programs. Fifty Italian delegates attended the event in presence, moreover 40 participants from Spain and Portugal joined the event remotely too.

COMiB at BCLA 2023

Fabrizio Zeri and Giulia Rizzo presenting their poster at BCLA 2023COMiB research group was at BCLA Clinical Conference and Exibition 2023 with a poster and two oral presentations.

Fabrizio Zeri presented a poster titled “New non-invasive tear breakup time (NIBUT) measurements vs fluorescein breakup time (fBUT): agreement and repeatability.”

Mauro Frisani during the Free Papers – Specialist lenses section presented a work titled “Estimation of scleral lens clearance: OCT measurement vs operator-based measurement by slit lamp” and Giulia Carlotta Rizzo during the Free Papers – Myopia 2 section presented a work titled “Visual performance with an Extended Depth of Focus contact lens for myopia control and the influence of decentration” .

Fabrizio Zeri at IACLE 2023

Fabrizio Zeri, Shehzad Naroo, Craig Woods at IACLE 2023Fabrizio Zeri with Shehzad Naroo (on the left) from Aston University (UK) and Craig Woods (on the right) from the University of New South Wales (Australia) presented a talk titled “Evidence-based teaching of contact lenses” as invited speakers at the 4th World Conference of International Association of Contact Lens Educators held in  Birmingham on 5th-8th June.