MIDO 2025 is coming soon!

MIDO2025 poster

Special Talk by Fabrizio Zeri: “How reliable is aberrometry for measuring visual defects?” A key topic to enhance precision in visual measurements. A unique opportunity to explore advanced technologies in support of optometry and specialized contact lenses.  Register now!

February 9, 2025 at 12:00 PM,  Area B2Eytg – Hall 1, Booth PR29



Talk by Giulia RizzoThe Role of Technology in the Evaluation of the Tear Film and Ocular Surface“. Don’t miss the chance to explore how cutting-edge technologies are transforming the approach to evaluating and managing the ocular surface .

February 10, 2025 at 11:00 AM,  Pavilion 3, Booth H22 K21

Dont’t miss these events at MIDO2025!


COMiB at the Annual Congress of the Contact Lens and Ocular Surface Society


E. Ponzini during her oral communication at the Annual congress of Contact Lens and Ocular Surface SocietyTrue to tradition, this year’s scientific program of the Annual Congress of the Contact Lens and Ocular Surface Society covers a wide spectrum of essential topics, including lifestyle impacts on the ocular surface, advancements in contact lenses, ocular surface pathology, dry eye syndrome, myopia control, and more—each crucial to everyday practice.
Dr. Erika Ponzini, invited as a plenary speaker, presented “Beyond quantification: uncovering lactoferrin interaction with contact lens materials” providing new insights into how proteins interact with contact lens materials and their implications for lens comfort and eye health.


COMiB at the 27th EVER Congress: European Association for Vision and Eye Research

E. Ponzini and A. Duse show their posters during the EVER 2024 congress poster session.With 883 attendees, 52 represented countries, and 460 posters, EVER 2024 Congress (European Association for Vision and Eye Research) has proven to be a highly impactful event for vision research.
Dr. Erika Ponzini from COMiB presented “Investigating the temporal variability of the tear fluid proteome for biomarker discovery” and Alessandro Duse, BSc, presented “Early detection of biochemical changes in tear fluid induced by contact lens wear using Raman spectroscopy” (oral communications, November 5). Both works were also displayed as posters, drawing significant attention and many questions. Thank you for your patience if we couldn’t respond to everyone!
Our collaborators, Gloria Astolfi, MSc, and Prof. Piera Versura, also attended, presenting studies developed with COMiB on innovative topics: a drug delivery system for treating ocular surface diseases and a pilot study on the interaction between tear substitutes and native tear proteins.

COMiB at the 10th International TFOS Conference

Giulia Rizzo shows her poster during TFOS 2024 conference

Giulia Carlotta Rizzo, BSc, presented two insightful posters at the 10th International TFOS Conference on the Tear Film & Ocular Surface: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance:

1. Evaluating dehydration kinetics of kalifilcon A and other contact lens materials using water kinetics coefficients”

2.” Evaluation of meibomian gland loss: comparison between grading scale and semi-automated computerized classification

These studies contribute valuable data on contact lens material properties and new techniques in meibomian gland evaluation, offering advancements for both researchers and clinicians focused on ocular surface health.



COMIB at the 15th Assottica Conference: advancing CL Education and Research

Fabrizio Zeri and other speakers during a round table the Assottica 2024 conferenceWith more than 800 delegates gathered for its 15th edition titled “Change the View” the Assottica Conference has firmly established itself as one of the most attended global meetings on contact lenses. Dr. Fabrizio Zeri from COMIB presented a talk on ocular surface and tear film aging and the evolution of contact lens materials, co-presented with Prof. Stefano Barabino from the Ocular Surface Centre at Sacco Hospital, University of Milan.

Dr. Zeri also chaired a round table organized in collaboration with IACLE, which provided Italian contact lens students the opportunity to join a live-streamed discussion on contact lens education and clinical practice alongside three Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs): Prof. Lyndon Jones (Director of CORE at the University of Waterloo, Canada), Dr. Sarah Morgan (FAOO, FBCLA), and Dr. Alberto Recchioni (Researcher at University Hospitals Birmingham).

Additionally, Dr. Zeri and Dr. Byki Huntjens, both IACLE Directors, hosted an informal breakfast for Italian contact lens educators. This gathering offered an opportunity to discuss IACLE resources for students and future developments in contact lens education. The conversation began with recent changes in Italian education, including the launch of a new Postgraduate Degree in Optometry at the University of Milano-Bicocca, which has the potential to expand academic training in the field of contact lenses.

“Raman spectroscopy to investigate early biochemical alterations in human tears” is online

Download the free final version of the article “ Raman spectroscopy to investigate early biochemical alterations in human tears caused by contact lenses” by R.Rolandi, A.Duse, S.Tavazzi, R.Grandori, F.Pezzoli and E.Ponzini, published in Clinical and Experimental Optometry.

“In-vitro dehydration kinetics coefficient of Kalifilcon A and other contact lens materials” is online

The paper “In-vitro dehydration kinetics coefficient of Kalifilcon A and other contact lens materials” published on Scientific Reports by  Erika Ponzini, Francesco Maspero,  Anna Galli and  Silvia Tavazzi is available online as open access article. 



COMIB at NCC 2024 in Eindovhen

Fabrizio Zeri presented his research at the NCC conferenceCOMIB researchers Dr. Aziza Obain and Dr. Fabrizio Zeri attended the NCC (Netherlands Contact lens Congress) in Eindhoven on 10th and 11th of March, 2024.

Dr Zeri presented the results of a prospective double-masked crossover RCT about a new multifocal contact lenses carried out in three European sites: COMIB, Milan-Italy; the Institute of Optometry, London-UK; and the Kontactlinse Istittutet, Aarhus-Denemark.



COMiB at AILAC 2023

Fabrizio Zeri and Giulia C. Rizzo participated in the AILAC 2023 conference held in Rome on November 19 and 20.

Zeri moderated the roundtable discussion titled “Nuove sfide nell’attività clinica e nella formazione in contattologia morbida” while Rizzo contributed with a presentation titled “L’utilizzo della topografia nell’applicazione di LaC morbide”.

Rizzo G discuss her research during the conference
Prof Zeri moderates the discussion during the round table