MIDO 2025 is coming soon!

MIDO2025 poster

Special Talk by Fabrizio Zeri: “How reliable is aberrometry for measuring visual defects?” A key topic to enhance precision in visual measurements. A unique opportunity to explore advanced technologies in support of optometry and specialized contact lenses.  Register now!

February 9, 2025 at 12:00 PM,  Area B2Eytg – Hall 1, Booth PR29



Talk by Giulia RizzoThe Role of Technology in the Evaluation of the Tear Film and Ocular Surface“. Don’t miss the chance to explore how cutting-edge technologies are transforming the approach to evaluating and managing the ocular surface .

February 10, 2025 at 11:00 AM,  Pavilion 3, Booth H22 K21

Dont’t miss these events at MIDO2025!


COMIB at the 15th Assottica Conference: advancing CL Education and Research

Fabrizio Zeri and other speakers during a round table the Assottica 2024 conferenceWith more than 800 delegates gathered for its 15th edition titled “Change the View” the Assottica Conference has firmly established itself as one of the most attended global meetings on contact lenses. Dr. Fabrizio Zeri from COMIB presented a talk on ocular surface and tear film aging and the evolution of contact lens materials, co-presented with Prof. Stefano Barabino from the Ocular Surface Centre at Sacco Hospital, University of Milan.

Dr. Zeri also chaired a round table organized in collaboration with IACLE, which provided Italian contact lens students the opportunity to join a live-streamed discussion on contact lens education and clinical practice alongside three Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs): Prof. Lyndon Jones (Director of CORE at the University of Waterloo, Canada), Dr. Sarah Morgan (FAOO, FBCLA), and Dr. Alberto Recchioni (Researcher at University Hospitals Birmingham).

Additionally, Dr. Zeri and Dr. Byki Huntjens, both IACLE Directors, hosted an informal breakfast for Italian contact lens educators. This gathering offered an opportunity to discuss IACLE resources for students and future developments in contact lens education. The conversation began with recent changes in Italian education, including the launch of a new Postgraduate Degree in Optometry at the University of Milano-Bicocca, which has the potential to expand academic training in the field of contact lenses.

Join us at MIDO 2024!

Poster describing the CSO event held on 4 February 2024 at MIDOThe advanced training course for professionals signed by CSO continues at the Milanese show MIDO 2024. A symposium will be held on the morning of Sunday 4 February in which we will talk about the important role of instruments in the evaluation of contact lens fitting.

The event takes place in the spaces of B2EyesTG, which offers talks, interviews, debates and previews of the sector, in Pavilion 1. After the success of the two previous appointments, which involved a large number of professionals from the supply chain, Fabrizio Zeri of the University of Milan-Bicocca will delve into the topic “How new instruments help in the application of multifocal contact lenses”. Finally, Mauro Frisani of the University of Turin will illustrate the “Use of Scheimpflug camera and ocular aberrometry in the selection and evaluation of contact lenses”. The event will also be broadcast live.

IACLE webinar – Join us on 13 December

On Wednesday 13 December at 12 noon UK, IACLE Director Dr Fabrizio Zeri and Giulia Carlotta Rizzo will give a webinar on ”Multifocal Contact Lenses: clinical perspectives and teaching challenges”.

IACLE members can watch live online via Zoom, and the event will be live streamed to our Facebook page for students and eye care practitioners to tune in to.

Join us!