“Italian translation and validation of the CLDEQ-8” is available online

Download the final version of the article “Italian translation and validation of the Contact Lens Dry Eye Questionnaire-8” by F. Zeri, S. Tavazzi, S.A. Naroo, A. Recchioni, F. Menduini, E. Ponzini, R. Chalmers, A. Desiato, published in the Contact Lens and Anterior Eye. Free access until May 4, 2023.

OptiStudent Awards

The FORCE project continues and changes its name. Since 2022 it is called OptiStudent Awards.

Students enrolled during the year 2022 are eligible to apply. Works that will be considered must concern soft contact lenses or the anterior segment of the eye. The works presented will be evaluated by a Panel of experts external to the University.

All abstracts (both in English and in Italian) of students/graduates of the University of Milano-Bicocca must be sent to silvia.tavazzi@unimib.it and/or fabrizio.zeri@unimib.it before 10 April 2023. Only after having received a confirmation reply, the student/graduate can consider the submission of the abstract as successful.

Fabrizio Zeri appointed as a member of the CLAE Editorial Board

Dr Fabrizio Zeri, BCLA Fellow and Global Ambassador, has now been appointed as a member of the Contact Lens & Anterior Eye Editorial Board.

He will be the first editorial member from Italy, which has a growing audience and increasing number of CLAE authors, he will be a valuable addition to the CLAE editorial team.

Fabrizio Zeri

108th National Congress of the Italian Physical Society – Optometry symposium

This year the Italian Physical Society organizes its 108th National Congress in Milan (12-16 September). Within the framework of Applied physics, a symposium on optometry has been organized (15 September) with the following program:


Chair: Barbieri M., Università di Roma Tre

Tavazzi S., Does blue-violet filtering affect contrast sensitivity?
Pitarresi Giannone C., Analisi vettoriale dell’astigmatismo: Confronto tra refrazione oggettiva aberrometrica e refrazione soggettiva.
Cozza F., Ocular involvement occurs frequently at all stages of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Preliminary experience in a large Italian cohort.
Grasso P.A., Viewing distance and character size in the use of smartphone in presbyopic and non-presbyopic individuals.
Rolandi R., Differences in contrast sensitivity measurement with letters and gratings.
Colandrea C., Optometria di genere: Dalla geometria retinica alla percezione tridimensionale.
Santacatterina S., Dalla psicofisica del colore alla prevenzione.
Natali L., Le lenti filtranti e la percezione dei colori.

Chair: Sassella A., Università di Milano Bicocca

Boccardo L., Teleoptometria: Stato dell’arte e prospettive future.
Erculei A., Capturing correlations in vision parameters by artificial neural networks.
Spaziani N., Accuratezza e precisione di un frontifocometro basato sul sistema di Hartmann.


Chair: Bussa M.P., Università di Torino

Zeri F., Brain correlates of adaptation to multifocal contact lenses.
Valentina V., Comparison of visual performance of dual focus contact lenses for myopia control vs. single vision contact lenses.
Rizzo G., Visual performance with an extended depth of focus contact lens for myopia control and corneal topography in assessing lens centration.
Miglio F., The effects of smoking on the tear film and on soft contact lenses.
Martino M., Analisi tribometrica della superficie di Lenti a Contatto.
Ponzini E., Lactoferrin as a biomarker of ocular diseases and contact lens discomfort.
Ruffato G., Photochromic contact lenses: Optical analysis and visual effects of their transition dynamics.

Chair: Gurioli M., Università di Firenze

Ruffato G., Haidinger’s brushes: Perceiving the polarization of light via an entoptic phenomenon.
Giusti S., Measurement of tear volume using Strip Meniscometry: Two procedures compared.
Ponzini E., Single-tear proteomics for noninvasive biomarker discovery and precision medicine.
Duse A., Tear-based vibrational spectroscopy for noninvasive biomarker discovery in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Frisani M., Valutazione della densitometria corneale da immagini tomografiche in occhi normali e con cheratocono.

108th National Congress of the Italian Physical Society poster

COMiB at the 8th International Caparica Conference on Analytical Proteomics 2022

Erika Ponzini’s abstract entitled ” Single-tear proteomics: a feasible approach to precision medicine” has been selected by the organizing committee for an oral communication at the 8th International Caparica Conference on Analytical Proteomics 2022, a meeting organized on July 18-21 in Caparica (Portugal).

Erika Ponzini during her oral presentation at ICAP 2022


COMiB at Giovani e Spettrometria di massa

Erika Ponzini‘s abstract entitled “Mass spectrometry-based proteomics of human tears for noninvasive biomarker discovery and precision medicine” has been selected by the organizing committee for an oral communication at Giovani e Spettrometria di massa, a meeting organized by the Italian Society of Mass Spectrometry (IMaSS) on June 15 in Torino.

Erika Ponzini shows her poster during the meeting
Photo credit: Peter Verhaert, Founder & CEO of ProteoFormiX