COMiB at Giovani e Spettrometria di massa
Erika Ponzini‘s abstract entitled “Mass spectrometry-based proteomics of human tears for noninvasive biomarker discovery and precision medicine” has been selected by the organizing committee for an oral communication at Giovani e Spettrometria di massa, a meeting organized by the Italian Society of Mass Spectrometry (IMaSS) on June 15 in Torino.
Adele Sassella interviewed by b2eyes about the exibition “Visionaries”
Prof. Adele Sassella, director of the bachelor degree in Optics and Optometry, has been interviewed by b2eyes about Visionaries: life leads where the eyes look, an exibition organized by University of Milano -Bicocca that displays works by the artist Square.
“Viscoelastic properties of the human tear film” is available online
Download the final version of the article “Viscoelastic properties of the human tear film” by A. Recchioni, E. Mocciardini, E. Ponzini and S. Tavazzi, published in the Experimental Eye Research journal. Free access until June 15, 2022.