COMiB at Giovani e Spettrometria di massa

Erika Ponzini‘s abstract entitled “Mass spectrometry-based proteomics of human tears for noninvasive biomarker discovery and precision medicine” has been selected by the organizing committee for an oral communication at Giovani e Spettrometria di massa, a meeting organized by the Italian Society of Mass Spectrometry (IMaSS) on June 15 in Torino.

Erika Ponzini shows her poster during the meeting
Photo credit: Peter Verhaert, Founder & CEO of ProteoFormiX

Erika Ponzini won the Young Talents Award 2020 and 2021

The University of Milan-Bicocca establishes, with the sponsorship of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the Young Talents Award intended for researchers under 36 years. The Young Talents Award is a multidisciplinary award aims to recognize the quality, originality and impact of the scientific production of researchers and encourage their training through international mobility actions.
In 2020, Erika Ponzini, who holds a type A Research Grant, won the 3rd prize for her interesting research activities for characterization of aerogels of galactomannans extracted from leguminous plants.
In 2021, she won the 3rd prize for her studies on human tear proteins by advanced mass spectrometry techniques and on the characterization of aerogels potentially useful for therapy.

For more information about the Young Talents Award 2020 and 2021